ITI/UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts Projects

EQUiPA - Establishing Globally Applicable Teaching Criteria in Acting and Directing Modules

Different countries, and different universities, have varied ways of operating. This can make the task of establishing the commonalities and commensurate working methods essential to exchange elusive. The Network proposes to create a body capable of dealing with this issue so as to better facilitate cooperation between universities around the world. The first steps towards doing this have already been established: EQiPA (Enhancement Quality in the Performing Arts) was created by majority vote to act as a body which can collect information on this issue (without enforcing practices on people). Therefore, it may act as a reliable tool to universities who wish to understand the global context of performing arts education by providing guidelines, a virtual library and researchers. In broad terms, its mission is to establish common ground and an atmosphere of understanding between institutions to ultimately encourage international exchange.


Alvaro FRANCO, Red de Escuelas de Teatro - RET (Bogota, Colombia)

