ARI is an important international centre in arts theory and practice studies, attract foreign colleagues to participate in joint researches, leading universities and arts schools.
The aims of Arts Research Institute (ARI) are research of Arts theories and practices both in Georgia and the worldwide through research projects, popularization of the Georgian culture and integration of Georgia cultural heritage in the world, organizing conferences, university study programs (as well supervising MA and PhD programs), round table discussions, open lectures, exhibitions, debates, festivals, various creative projects and publications.
The Institute is operating since 2010.
Saqartvelos xelovnebis samecniero-kvleviti institute
საქართველოს ხელოვნების სამეცნიერო-კვლევითი ინსტიტუტი
19 Chavchavadze Avenue
Tbilisi 0179
Email: info(at)
Phone: +995 595305000
Dean and Representative for the ITI/UNESCO Network
+995 595305000
Together with Prof. Dr. Leven Khetaguri part of a Network Project Group
+995 577947040
Projects of Arts Research Institute are carried out in the following academic directions:
• Theory and practice of performing arts, including drama, directing, stage design, etc.
• Cinema, Music and Media Communication
• Visual Art and Visual Anthropology
• Culture Management, Cultural Policy, Cultural Tourism
Current Research
• Research of theory and practice of performing arts
• Interdisciplinary research of theory and practice of performing arts; creating practical examples (performing arts)
• Further development of culture management, cultural tourism and cultural policy research and its implementation in the country’s development.
• At the Institute there are: library and Culture Video Center, one of the largest and rich video archive in Caucasus, Publishing House ARI PRESS
ARI is in close cooperation with different international partners and organizations and carries out some intercultural projects.
ARI’s ongoing projects:
MA and PhD students’ international research conference;
European Culture House / Center for culture and debates/;
International Review – Arts Theory and Practice Studies;
International Theater Festival - “Theatre+Video” etc.
Publishing projects:
International Heritage of Arts Theory and Practice;
World Play writing library;
The following centers are in ARI:
a/ World Theatre Theory and Practice Research Center;
b/ Film and Media Communication Research Center;
c/ Cultural Management, Cultural Tourism and Cultural Policy Research Center;
d/ Shakespeare Research Center;
e/ Arts, Visual Anthropology and Fixation Research Centre
1. Reclaimed Avant-Garde: Spaces and stages of avant-garde Theatre in Central-Eastern Europe
One of the focuses on Georgian avant-garde theatre was published in the book “Reclaimed Avant-Garde:Spaces and stages of avant-garde Theatre in Central-Eastern Europe”, which is a collection of articles. Publication was produced in Poland.
Source: Tbilisi-crossroads phenomena, by Dr. Levan Khetaguri // Reclaimed Avant-Garde:Spaces and stages of avant-garde Theatre in Central-Eastern Europe, Warsaw, 2018,
ISBN 978-83-66124-05-9
2. Francis Colbert, Arts and Culture Marketing, study book, translation in Georgian, ARI Press, 2018
3. CDIS Georgia – research - Culture for Development Indicators for Georgia is an initiative by European Union-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme, funded by the European Union. The initiative is based upon UNESCO's Culture for Development Indicators methodology, which has been successfully implemented in many countries across the world.
4. Ajara Authonomic Republic of Georia Region Cultural Mapping, 2016
5. Research about festivals in Georgia - 2018
From the Festivals History of Post-Soviet Georgia
Advance analysis has been prepared by the EFFE Hub Georgia EFA’s partner for the South Caucasian region, in partnership with Arts Research Institute of Georgia and UNESCO/ITI Georgian Centre Authors: Dr. Levan Khetaguri, Dr. Iuri Mgebrishvili, Ana Kvinikadze (MA) The current research at this stage does not include literary all the festivals, first of all due to lack of the information given from festivals
6. World Theatre Education Institute – initiative in working process - is centre for performing arts as non formal education or pa as tools methodologies research, collection of data, trainings, and promotion of theatre as one of the important tools for interdisciplinary activities.